I know. Sometimes, on occasion, us New Yawkkkerers are known for being a bit self centered. We live in a little bubble (or, if you are me….. you’ve traded in living in a bubble and have taken up residence in a sparkling disco ball instead).


So it never dawned on me that Ehhhhh Yooo might be a bit of a foreign phrase for some. And apparently it is since I have gotten a few queries about it.


For years I would sit in my Brooklyn flat and, on warm days, would hear it bellowed from friends on the street level trying to get my attention because….hey it was Brooklyn and my doorbell was half-assed and rarely worked.

ehhh yoooo

Or I would hear it upon stepping into a night club and getting a pound (i.e. a hand shake, hand bump or otherwise known as the “terrorist-fist-jab” ala-the-Obama’s). I can’t tell you how many times I have been walking in the streets of NYC only to get an “Ehhhhh Yooo” and bump into a friend who used the phrase to get my attention.


So…um…yeah…. It never occurred to me that one of my favorite expressions might just not belong to the entire world’s vernacular. I supposed that is what I get for living in a disco ball.