by Justine Lackey | Apr 15, 2014 | Business, Small Biz Tips, Taxes
Why Purchasing Payroll Services is One of The Cheapest Way You Can Save Big Money I know. I know. I know. You are a small business owner and you need to save money every possible way. But let me tell you ONE thing that could very well save you thousands of dollars. If...
by Justine Lackey | Jan 12, 2012 | Taxes
SIX IMPORTANT TIPS FOR GETTING YOUR 1099s RIGHT You must send a 1099 to any subcontractor you have paid $600 or more to in a calendar year. 1099s are due to the recipients by January 31st. If the 31st falls on a Saturday or Sunday, 1099s are due the first business day...
by Justine Lackey | Feb 23, 2011 | Deadlines, Small Biz Tips, Taxes
1096 Forms – 1096 Deadline Now that you sent out those pesky 1099 forms back in January, it is time to complete the process and send the 1099 copies to the IRS along with your 1096 form. These forms must be sent in to the IRS no later than February 28,...
by Justine Lackey | Jan 27, 2011 | Small Biz Tips, Taxes
That’s right, 1099s are due on Monday January 31st, 2011. Make sure to check out 6 Tips on Getting Your 1099s Right for more information.
by Justine Lackey | Dec 15, 2010 | Small Biz Tips, Taxes
6 Important Tips for Getting Your 1099’s Right One big “tax-time-task” (say that three times fast!) is filing 1099 forms. It’s hard to believe, but this tax deadline is looming just around the corner, especially because we lose almost the...