by Justine Lackey | Apr 15, 2011 | Deadlines, Small Biz Tips, Taxes
Tax Returns and On Time Estimated Taxes Remember this post? If you are wondering why your tax return isn’t due on April 15th this year, click away. BUT! Your first quarter 2011 estimated taxes are still due on TODAY! Luckily...
by Justine Lackey | Mar 15, 2011 | Deadlines, Small Biz Tips, Taxes
Yep. It’s that time. Corporate tax returns,or extensions if you aren’t quite ready, are due today. Get your boogie on and beeline your way down to the post office if you haven’t already. If you want more help staying on top of this,...
by Justine Lackey | Feb 23, 2011 | Deadlines, Small Biz Tips, Taxes
1096 Forms – 1096 Deadline Now that you sent out those pesky 1099 forms back in January, it is time to complete the process and send the 1099 copies to the IRS along with your 1096 form. These forms must be sent in to the IRS no later than February 28,...
by Justine Lackey | Jan 27, 2011 | Small Biz Tips, Taxes
That’s right, 1099s are due on Monday January 31st, 2011. Make sure to check out 6 Tips on Getting Your 1099s Right for more information.
by Justine Lackey | Jan 16, 2011 | Art+Money, Small Biz Tips
Intuit Go Payment Fixing Cash Flow Gaps I know people are as opinionated about Intuit, as they can be about Microsoft, but for the most part my customer experience with Intuit has been positive. One of the best things I think they have going for them is...