Get out your calculator and start setting some revenue goals. If you’re a business owner, you likely have some revenue goals. (If you don’t, keep reading. We’ll help!) But what if you fail to meet them? It could be the market, sure, but it could also be because you...
Money collection sucks, so read on to learn how to get paid on time, every time (okay… maybe most of the time). We’ve all been there: it’s been 30 days since you sent your client an invoice, and still no loot. Now you have to waste irreplaceable time emailing...
Subcontractor or staffer? Read on to find out what you need to know about worker classification. Your business is expanding, and you need help–it could be permanently but you aren’t sure. Then you find yourself wondering: do you need a freelancer, or do you have...
Your guide to estimated quarterly taxes, how much you have to pay, and when you have to pay them. When you’re an employee, paying your taxes is simple–you just tick off a few boxes on your tax form and viola, your taxes are paid. For freelancers, entrepreneurs...
This is a super article on managing freelance or inconsistent income. Tips For Managing Your Increasingly Lumpy Income – If you read in the comment section, someone mentions this book “The Money Book for Freelancers, Part-Timers, and the...
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