Get to know your trifecta of financial services: bookkeeping, accounting and financial planning—and find out why you need all three. In your financial life, there is a trifecta of financial services. It has checks and balances involved in it that are really important...
Some people think your best business asset is your money, or your idea, or your patented product. It’s not: it’s your reputation, and you are sitting on a mound of gold. Protecting your brand and the public perception of it is one of the best ways to boost...
Subcontractor or staffer? Read on to find out what you need to know about worker classification. Your business is expanding, and you need help–it could be permanently but you aren’t sure. Then you find yourself wondering: do you need a freelancer, or do you have...
Your guide to estimated quarterly taxes, how much you have to pay, and when you have to pay them. When you’re an employee, paying your taxes is simple–you just tick off a few boxes on your tax form and viola, your taxes are paid. For freelancers, entrepreneurs...
You might have heard that coloring books for adults are suddenly toping best seller lists. And this isn’t surprising seeing that Carl Jung used coloring technics in his therapy sessions going back to the early 20th century. Even before coloring became all the...