by Justine Lackey | Jan 11, 2011 | Deadlines, Small Biz Tips, Taxes
Make sure to pay your fourth quarter estimated taxes before its too late. They are due on Monday January 16, 2012! Just like first quarter 2011 you have a touch more time to send in your payment. Usually estimated taxes are due on the 15th, but...
by Justine Lackey | Dec 15, 2010 | Small Biz Tips, Taxes
6 Important Tips for Getting Your 1099’s Right One big “tax-time-task” (say that three times fast!) is filing 1099 forms. It’s hard to believe, but this tax deadline is looming just around the corner, especially because we lose almost the...
by Justine Lackey | Jun 15, 2010 | Inspiration, Woman of the Week
Lora Sasiela – Woman of the Week What’s hotter than a hot woman who knows her money stuff? Not much, so I have to let you know how completely SMITTEN I am with this weeks Woman of the Week LORA SASIELA. Your Name and/or Your Business Name:...
by Justine Lackey | Jun 1, 2010 | Woman of the Week
I know. I know. You spent the ENTIRE holiday weekend looking forward to my Woman of the Week post this week. With all the wonderful women in my life it makes it a challenge who to pick next, but here she is, the one, the only, NINA KAUFMAN . ...
by Justine Lackey | May 25, 2010 | Business, Inspiration, Woman of the Week
It makes me giddy to announce this week’s Woman of the Week INNA SHAMIS. This woman will rock your socks, read on to find out why she rocks mine. Photo Credit – Your Name or Your Business Name: Inna Shamis...